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Elizabeth Cady's Speech At The Seneca Falls Convention

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Words 263
Pages 2
Elizabeth Cady Stanton delivered this speech at the Seneca Falls Convention, in 1848, New York. Elizabeth was the eight of 11 children, born in Johnstown, New York. Father of Elizabeth was Daniel Cady, and Mother of Elizabeth was Margaret Livingston Cady. Her Father was a prominent federalist attorney who served one term in the United Sates Congress and later become both a circuit court judge, and in 1847, a New York Supreme Court Justice. Slavery did not end in New York until July 4th, 1827, so like many men, her dad was a slave owner and the slave owner is the one who took care of her and her sister Margaret. Stanton throughout the years lost a total of 6 siblings in their early age, and one brother, Eleazar, died at age 20.

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