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Empathetic Listening


Submitted By coliver21
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Empathetic Listening

I will be quite honest. This assignment was hard for me on many levels. First, and foremost, not being able to connect with my partner to do the assignment. Secondly, trying to do this assignment with someone not in the class and with a man on top of that was definitely an eye opener. My husband is not one to be very empathetic. We both had a hard time staying focused on the dialog we were trying to create, one reason being my son and the other being that my husband kept taking us off topic.
At any rate, to be an empathetic listener one must give the speaker their undivided attention. I failed at this. In a different situation I don’t know that I would be any better, because I am used to the environment of working while listening to a meeting or speaker etc because we are just so busy that we have to multi-task to get things done at my job currently; which could definitely be why I struggled to not multi-task for this assignment. I do feel however, that in an actual case management situation, I would not struggle to be focused on the client in an office setting. I do think I would /should definitely work on asking clarifying questions when I don’t understand something. I too often will not understand something and not ask questions to clarify.
If I had been the client in this situation for real I would have been very discouraged. I would have felt like I was not heard and that my problems were not as important as whatever else that was going on. I would not follow up with this case manager for sure. While he tried to be empathetic, my husband is a little rough around the edges.
I would suggest to my husband that he need to be better at being in the moment and focused on the conversation. I have realized that I too have tendencies to not be in the moment, but I realize that now and will work on correcting that skill.

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