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Employee Dissatisfaction and Employee Burnout


Submitted By Dina1991
Words 907
Pages 4
Employee dissatisfaction and Employee burnout

Employee satisfaction is important to your company's overall success. The impact of dissatisfied employees can range from high turnover and low productivity to a loss in revenue and poor customer service. While a company's philosophy, mission and values are fundamental to success, human capital is an organization's most valuable asset. Your organization's human capital -- its employees -- must be fully engaged and satisfied to keep your business running. The most reasons for employee dissatisfaction and the solutions to solve the problem:

1-Boss: When you are unhappy at work, with your boss, it can be difficult to be a productive member of the team. Learning to communicate your unhappiness allows you to make changes within the workplace so that you can become more stable in your work environment. Communicating your unhappiness can be a daunting task, but the results often help to improve your working condition.

2-Job Responsibilities: Job responsibilities emerges as the second reason for the employees dissatisfied at work as other than anything else, employees want to know whether they are producing meaningful work and it is one of the top motivator for employees staying at their current position. The employers should provide their staff with proper job responsibilities that keep them more motivated at work.

3-The Lack of Respect :One of the complaints employees have is that they are not recognized by their organization for the work they do and they also feel that the organization does not respect and value their feelings, thoughts and emotions. This leads to higher level burnout. Once an employee is respected and recognized by the organization, the confidence inside him/her is doubled and is able to perform better. And this results in profitable outcome of the organization. When an organization

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