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Ender Wiggin Quotes

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If you were a character or person in ender’s game, you would have thought six-year-olds would not know Arithmetic, Algebra or calculus. But Ender Wiggin can, a 1st grader that was pulled into the military because of his intelligence and his power of understanding and showing that he is introverted which are all factors of greens this essay will show the evidence that Ender Wiggin is a green.

The attributes as a green ender has is his intelligence in complex things which is a green attribute. One of the examples in ender’s game was from (Card 4) “It gave him something to do while the teacher droned on about arithmetic. Arithmetic! Ender had learned arithmetic when he was 3.” This quote is showing that ender has learned things that college students are supposed to learn, like his brother and sister Peter and Valentine. The following quote proves that ender is a person who knows very complex math, another quote is that shows that ender is the smartest one his class. “He always knew the answer even though he wasn’t paying attention.” (Card 3) this shows that ender is smart even if he skips school because he learns things faster and keeps it more memorized more. …show more content…
This shows he is a green. In the book, there are times where ender shows he is a green like in this paragraph in page (Card 29) “The Scanner grew green for a moment. Ender closed his locker and tried to open it again. He couldn’t.” I know this wouldn’t look like anything to but ender sort of realizes that this place isn’t like a school he thinks it is a strict prison camp and they teach you how to pilot ships and other aircrafts this proves that Ender can grasps his surroundings and what this means. Ender’s knowledge of grasping and understanding things around him show that Ender is a

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