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Energy Resources


Submitted By melissanjohn
Words 286
Pages 2
Energy Resource Week 8
There are several types of renewable energy available for use. Solar, wind and are at the top of the list. Others that are beginning to generate more interest are grains and corns by products. Due to higher costs for fossil fuels people are looking at all the alternatives.

The rising cost of gasoline is challenging people to think outside the box. [The National Renewable Energy Lab uses leftover cornstalks and stubble to create a fuel grade ethanol] (University of Phoenix, 2008). The idea is good in theory. However, the feasibility of transporting the leftover cornstalks and stubble to a plant that would convert it to a fuel might be too far a distances to make it worthwhile. Another option is solar power, using the sun can produce clean electricity, to power a home or charge a car. [Excess electricity from an efficient solar electric system can be sold to the electric company generating money for the owner] (University of Phoenix, 2008). The renewable energy sources are becoming more competitive as energy prices increase. [Wind power is being heard near the Rocky Mountains when the wind picks ups] (University of Phoenix, 2008).

Decreasing the usage coal, oil, and natural gas is vital to our existence on earth. These resources are nonrenewable; they will run out, they cost too much to produce, and the impact of taking from the earth is harmful to the environment. An example of an environmental safe, cost effective, and renewable heat source for a home would be geothermal. Geothermal uses the ground temperature to heat and cool a home.

Understanding that nothing lasts forever; coal, oil, and natural gas humans need to be responsible for protecting the

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