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Submitted By xoulblade21
Words 304
Pages 2
Marc Paragas
Devry University
Professor Maryjane Maxwell

“From Bullet to the Sky” Has anybody ever had a huge impact or influence in your life? I believe at some point there has to be at least one person that has done this. The person I run to whenever I’m in a difficult situation is my father In life, we encounter hardships, trials & tribulations. We often find ourselves asking someone else for advice to get a different perspective of the situation. My father has a big impact to what I have become today. To me, he’s the perfect role model. I’ve seen him go through hardships in life and I’ve also seen first hand how he dealt with those hardships. One example of a hardship my father wen through is when he moved to the United States with my mother leaving my siblings and I behind in the Philippines. He worked hard for two straight years so we can call be reunited together. Every time he’d call, I can sense that he’s tired and sad that we are away from him. I asked him how he endured this and his answer was being away from us gave him the strength to work even harder. We may not be as close as some people think we are at first, but what I can tell you is that he’s the person I run to whenever I’m in need. We are independent human beings, but we also depend on others. We may not notice it, but at some point someone has inspired us or there is always someone that we have looked up to growing up. My father is a great man, he would sacrifice a lot of things, go through hardships and do almost anything just to give us a better life in this world.

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