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Enriching Jobs at Standard Decoy


Submitted By ksamion
Words 317
Pages 2
On Maslow’s Theory
According to this, as lower needs are met, those at high levels become more important. According to Maslow, there five levels of needs that motivate people:
 Physiological
- Which are the basic needs vital to our survival such as food, clothing, shelter, and so on.
 Safety
- With physiological needs relatively satisfied, the individual’s safety needs take precedence and dominate behaviour. These safety needs manifest themselves in ways such as personal security, financial security, health and well being and/or safety net against accidents and illness.
 Social
- The third level is the need that involves feeling of belongingness and acceptance among their social group.
 Esteem
- Esteem presents the typical human desire to be valued by others, to gain recognition and sense of contribution and accomplishment.
 Self-Actualization
- This level of need refers to what a person’s full potential is and the realization of that potential.

On Herzberg’s Theory
The worker needs motivators to enrich their jobs, such as:
 Need for more challenging tasks than their usual routine
 Need for recognition and feeling of achievements
 Increase responsibilities than their regular jobs
 Opportunities for growth and advancement

Clayton Alderfer’s ERG Theory
The theory distinguished three categories of Human Needs that influence worker’s behavior:
 Existence Needs: Physiological and Safety Needs (the salary/incentives that will satisfy their basic needs for living)
 Relatedness Needs: Social and External Esteem (involvement with co-workers and employers)
 Growth Needs: internal esteem and self actualization (control over their work that will entail freedom and creativity which in turn will give them sense of fulfillment)

Expectancy Theory
This theory claims that people will be motivated

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