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Submitted By lananhh
Words 378
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Name: Lan Anh Huynh
Student number: 13686
Essay: IELTS
Topic: Styles of learning
Word count: 379 Generally speaking, every human being in this world is unique and each individual has different ways in which they learn. According to one schoolar has said that " a learn who is aware of his or her learning styles will be more successful at learning independently". In this essay, i am going to discusses about whether a person who are aware of their style of learning which can help them to enhances learning and take control of their study. Indeed the experts and lecturers in schools always try to find unique ways to learn. Because they recognize that their students succeed only when school aware and find out how to learn more in line with them. For instance, some students learned how to record, but what they have heard from their teachers at school to be able to listen to and record from all the main ideas learned. And according to " The kolb learning style inventory". It have a four stage cycle of learning is feeling, watching, thinking and doing and four separate learning styles such as diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating. On the whole, if the students cognitive and choose appropriate learningn, they can enhance learning ability. And so, you can rely on the theory of Kolb to choose a way that suits you best to learn so that you are able to study independently with the most efficient way or you can create your own learning from the amusing to you. As an example, if you are studying math, you can set goals for yourself, as you complete them you can get rewards such as "if today I finished all my homework would play games for an hour or I can out with my friends ". Thereby, you can improve your math skills. But it is very difficult to find a best way to learn. Because you have to know where you are and what you need in the way of your independent learning. In brief, we have different perspectives on how to learn and choose to learn. But our common point is that all of us need to be aware of their own learning. In order to enhance their learning.

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