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Essay About My Best Friend

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It was just a normal summer day 4 years ago in my home town of Fort Branch. Everyday was practically the same in the summertime. We were out of school so the whole day was ours to hang out. None of us had a job, since I was only 14, as well as Alex, my two older friends were 15; Zack and Dustin. These guys were my closest friends growing up. Dustin and Alex both knew me since we were all too young to even go to school. Only Zack was one of my newer friends. We all met through each other about a year prior to this. Just like that, we've been best friends ever since. Each and every day had exactly the same start to it. No one wanted to sleep in early because that was just a waste of daylight. So about 8 o’clock we would all meet at Zacks house. The Price is Right was the best show on …show more content…
Most of the days we would just all eat breakfast at our own homes, but about once or twice a week we got doughnuts from the towns shop. They were and still are the best doughnuts around. The Price is Right would play every morning, sometimes we'd even watch the same episode as the day before, but no one cared. The day was June 17, a Tuesday, and the morning was as normal as it could be. No one knew what the day would hold, but we knew we'd figure it out eventually. The day went on, The Price is Right got over and the next best thing was going to the park. After playing around at the park virtually all day it was around 5 o’clock when we got back to Zack's house. His mom was waiting on us at the doorway. She stated, “I need to run to Walmart, we are all out of groceries.” “Do you all want to come?” she asked. Of course we said yes, nothing was better to do than go to Walmart, it was like unlimited fun. By the time we arrived the sun was slowly starting to set. It was windy, so windy that the leaves from the surrounding trees were nearly blowing into the automatic doors when they opened. The parking lot was packed, probably

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