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Essay Comparing Beowulf And Achilles

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Beowulf was known as serving people and very giving. Yet at the same time Beowulf, and the Anglo Saxon never showed any love or compassion towards women. On the contrary Achilles affliction is all generated from women. Also Achilles is very selfish, and he also accepts his own fate.
Two similar traits between Beowulf and Achilles would be cunning in battle and getting revenge. An example of Beowulf be cunning in battle was when he sacrificed men this is what happened “Eyes were watching to see his swift hard claws. Grendel snatched at the first geat he came to, ripped him apart, cut his body to bit with powerful jaws” (260-263). This creates a scene of what happened that night. Another example of Achilles be cunning and battle is when throws his spear and misses and then hector taunts him. Yet he does reveal that fact that Achilles now knew that the gods were on his side. So he threw the spear again and the brought …show more content…
One example of Achilles having security his when he decides to not make a pact with Hector while their dueling. He says “Hector, I’ll have no talk of pacts with you, forever unforgiven as you are” (87). This shows the sense of security that Achilles will not stop till he avenges his fellow men who shall get harmed. Where in Beowulf story he allows his men to get sacrificed to achieve the ultimate goal. Which shows that Beowulf does not show as much of a concern on security over the actual over all safety of his people.
One example of Achilles being selfish is when Achilles agreed to fight Hector even though he knew his fate. This showed that Achilles didn’t care about other people emotions and was willing to die knowing all the people that would morn his death. One scenario in which Beowulf was not selfish is when he agreed to come fight Hrothgar enemy in the first place. This shows that Beowulf is willing to help whoever it shows that he fights his fate opposite of

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