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Essay On Immigration In The United States

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Immigration in the United States

Kristin Stewart


Dr. Sam Miller

Immigration in the United States

This week we have discussed full employment, which is having all able and willing citizens to be gainfully employed. One topic covered if the US should aim for a lower unemployment rate and how to achieve it. Also, we discussed the effect unemployment has on the economy. A conclusion is the more working and taxpaying citizens there are in the US, the better the economy is and the faster it can grow.

Immigration in the United States has always been a controversial subject due to many conflicting issues. The main issue has always been about the effects is has on the economy. Many people think that immigrants …show more content…
Why is this issue more important than any other? The single most critical issue in immigration and the effect on the economy is that many of them are utilizing benefits that taxpayers pay for, but are not paying for those benefits. The cost to provide benefits to them is not helping our nation's debt crisis. Studies “calculated that undocumented workers cost Arizona taxpayers more than $1 billion a year for education, medical care and incarceration, after subtracting the estimated taxes they pay” (Davis 2016). This issue is more important than others because they are using benefits that is payed for by taxpayers. If “undocumented immigrants were granted legal status, as proposed in immigration reform legislation introduced in Congress, their state and local tax contribution would rise an estimated $76 million.”(Fyler, 2016). Instead of illegal immigrants paying taxes to replenish the government's cost for them to use these benefits, they're using the money for other reasons. This is a serious issue, since there is no real way to go after them in small claims courts, the government is taking the loss. Resulting in not only our taxpayer money to be allocated to funding those programs, it is also taking that money that could be paying off our national

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