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Essay On James Monroe Early Life

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Early life
James monroe was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia on April 28, 1758. When he was young he father died this allowed him to enroll into a university for the law. He left shortly after to fight in the revolutionary war for the U.S. He fought with George Washington in the battle of Trenton and was severely wounded.

Major Event 1
While fighting the war James Monroe meet someone who would change the course of his life. He meets Thomas Jefferson and began to learn law under him. This directly affects his political views and mindset which lead to his later life. From this, he takes up after Jefferson and becomes the governor of Virginia.

Middle Life
After the war Monroe focused …show more content…
He ushered in an era known as the “Era of Good Feelings”. This brought in a new age of prosperity and peace. This era lasted for two terms since he was reelected in 1820. After his presidency he moved back to Virginia and helped preside of a new state constitution. He died at the age of 71 on July 4 exactly five years after James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.

Mayor Event 3
During his second term there was much talk about European countries their colonization of American land. So he drafted a statement to all of those countries and was known as the Monroe Doctrine.Where he declared That outside countries couldn’t mess with any country in the western hemisphere. He also said that the same would be expected of the U.S. This was the biggest thing he did in his entire presidency securing American land and major events.

Extra Information
James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States and last of the Virginia line of presidents. He was the first president to have his inaugural address outside. He married Elizabeth Kortright he had three children, two daughters and one son. He avoided a civil war by having the Missouri Compromise made even though he didn’t think the government should have the power to do

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