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Essay On Jazz Celebration

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To steal the words of others… Just let me say that this weekend Bellefonte was all jazzed up…. It was the 2015 Summer Jazz Celebration. The Jazz Celebration was originally in State College until 2008 when it moved to Bellefonte. It has been growing ever since. Jazz takes a little from all the music styles and builds it into a wonderful form of jazz.

A great deal of the energy, drive and passion that makes the festival happen comes from Catherine Dupuis, she grew up in Centre County and loves giving back to the community that gave her so much in the early days of her career. The Russ Kassoff trio is a big part of the celebration since the beginning. The trio is comprised of Jay Anderson on bass and Dennis Mackrel on drums and Russ on the piano.

Each year there is a special guest (the master performer) who is well known in the jazz world and …show more content…
Richard now resides in State College and had not seen Bertoncini in 30 years.

Scott Jackson came from Columbus, Ohio to hear him play again. He had met Bertoncini and heard him play in the past. He said, “I may not get the opportunity to hear him play again.

Saturday is the biggest day of the festival with music filling Talleyrand park for a large part of the day. Local musicians play, the Bellefonte High School Jazz Band played, and the Friends band played. The Friends band is comprised of many local musicians, the Russ Kassoff Trio and Catherine as the vocalist.

Saturday evening there is a concert at Match Factory in the APS (American Philatelic Society) Sudman’s Hall. If you were not there you missed an amazing evening. The Russ Kassoff Trio performed, accompanied by Catherine on several pieces and the Master himself Gene Bertoncini. The trio performed a new piece that Russ has recently written called “I Can Dream”. The night was a dream for many and a wonderful finale to another great Jazz Festival in downtown

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