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Essay On Virtual Reality

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For those of you who often read articles about technology, surely you have come across the term Virtual Reality technology. Usually this term often appear when we're reading an article that discusses about the gaming world. However, you must be wondering what is the technology of Virtual Reality?
Well, at this time the article I'll invite you guys to get to know closer about the sense of Virtual Reality technologies and also with kegunaanya.

What Is It The Technology Of Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is a latest technology innovations that were developed to enable a person performing an interaction of a graphical object with 3D visualizations or images berhologram. This technology is able to provide a new experience for the user, because …show more content…
Flight simulation here include how to fly planes in various weather conditions, how to communicate between the aircraft with one another or with the airport and how to cope with the emergency situation in case of problems while flying. It is aimed so that the pilot can be more accustomed to and get to know a wide range of fields and will further gain experience if enough pilots to fly the aircraft.

Virtual Reality in the field of aviation

And on the military field, is used as a Virtual Reality simulation of war. The soldiers will feel the situation on the battlefield that looks for real. This way was chosen because it is quite effective in holding war exercises and more cost effective compared to the actual war exercises.

Virtual Reality in military field

Not only that, the moment many companies-company technology race develop this Virtual Reality technology, for example, only Microsoft's future with glasses named HoloLens, Oculus VR virtual reality device for gamers called Oculus Rift and many more other companies. Because it can give you the experience of "direct contact" with an object in the virtual world or the virtual world, the sophistication of this technology have also been adopted into the world of film. For example, if you ever watch the film Iron Man, then you will see Tony Stark scenes are fun

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