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Submitted By owemeten
Words 329
Pages 2
EST1 Task 2

Company X is where the employee’s matter. As a company we take pride in building long lasting relationship. With doing so we believe in fairness. Every employee is expected to act in a professional, responsible and courteous manner at all times. This includes dealings with customers, vendors, contractors and co-workers. Courtesy, respect and cooperation are vital to a successful environment. Compliance with this policy of ethics and conduct is the responsibility of every employee. Disregarding or failing to comply with this standard of ethics and conduct could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, the Company expects employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees and the Company.

A. Develop an applicable standards and procedures section that includes four elements of acceptable behavior found in a code ethics

1. Trust- We will tell the truth regardless of what the outcome might be

Building a secure business relationship is very important to assure everyone is trusted to complete their part

2. Integrity- We will do the right thing even when no one else is around watching

Being trust worthy and honest is very important in a work place. Having integrity is one of the key factors in a business relationship because it shows that you are dependable.

3. Teamwork- We will work together, win together, and be successful together

Teamwork can only occur when all colleges can pitch in their time to complete their work load to assure that our stores can achieve their goals on time.

4. Pride- We will be committed to doing our very best each and everyday we work

Having pride in our business means it looks organized and clean, every employee is in proper dress code with a name tag and you will always try your best to be on time for your scheduled...

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