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Submitted By esquivel018
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Hamlet study questions and answers on Act 5

Act 5 scene 1

Gravediggers and Hamlet 1 – 171

1. Who are the actors on stage here? What role do they play? 2. What class of society do we see for the first time, and why is it significant? 3. What are the gravediggers talking about in the first 30 lines? What is behind their difference of opinion? Give quotes to back up your ideas. 4. Some of the humour of this scene comes from the linguistic mistakes the men make. Identify them. 5. Who do they decide is the strongest builder and why? 6. What do you feel is the point of the gravedigger’s riddles and songs? 7. Who else creates humour in this first part of the scene? 8. What does this show about Hamlet’s development? 9. How do the references to Adam (lines 30 – 40) and his sons (lines 75 – 79) play a role in the plot? When were these ideas used before? 10. What means does Shakespeare use to raise suspense during the graveyard scene? 11. What does the gravedigger’s mention of King Hamlet in lines 141 - 143 reveal to the audience? How is this important here? 12. Does it contradict information we have had previously? Why do you think Shakespeare has done this?

Thoughts about Yorick , life and death 172 – 213

13. Find the hyperboles in Hamlet’s speech, and explain why he uses them. 14. Identify the misogynistic lines. Who is he talking about? 15. In what ways do Hamlet’s reactions to the skulls in the graveyard seem to suggest a change in his outlook? 16. What famous warriors does Hamlet refer to? How is this important in the next scene and why? What is used in the text to back this up?

Ophelia’s funeral procession 214 – the end

17. What do we find out about the funeral procession from Hamlet in lines 213a-218? 18. How does Laertes reveal his discontent with the priest? And Hamlet who is

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