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Ethical Issues Research Paper


Submitted By shemik
Words 2541
Pages 11
Ethical Issues Research Paper
Sherrill Jones
Cristina Payne
August 3, 2015

Ethical Issues Research Paper

In the field of criminal justice, ethics is an integral part of the organization. The public relies on its police agencies to provide protection and maintain order in the community. It is also about a matter of trust the community places with its law enforcement agencies with regards to ethical behavior. This research paper will analyze the contemporary issues involving ethical behavior by criminal justice personnel, the decisions that govern its ethics, and recommendations.
Contemporary Issues Laws and expectations change with each passing year; decisions vary with the times and public opinion. The stated goal for all is fairness combined with efficiency within the private and criminal justice systems. Justice should be obtained with equal actions regarding the constitutional rights that are afforded to all citizens including previously convicted offenders and the issue of public safety. The main concern is fairness, efficiency and just plain effectiveness. It becomes an issue when one tries to determine how effective these policies are and how much trust can be found within these findings due to personal bias and effectiveness of the figures presented. The setting up of the measurement system and how much weight this system carries for performance expectations is critical. The problem of what changes should or can be made to resolve the existing gap between performance and the expectations (Reynolds, S. J., (2006). Weight given to a particular problem could be caused by using the information that may not be legally relevant or so outdated that it is useless. Differing areas of the country will place more or less importance on specific areas of crime along with differing ideas of proper punishment for said crimes. In order to

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