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Ethics Awareness


Submitted By charleta3
Words 535
Pages 3
Ethics Awareness
Charletta Berry
April 30, 2012
Timothy De Long

Ethics Awareness
1. Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder’s needs.
(A) Stakeholder can be a person, group, organization, or system who affects or can be affected by an organization’s actions. Society expects businesses to be responsible both socially and ethically. “Businesses are supposed to respect the environment, pursue fairness in dealing with internal and external customers, and strive to improve their communities” (Romani, 1998). Ignoring the ethical standards will have an adverse impact on businesses as well as the consumers. Although some unethical practices are exercised by some businesses, many businesses recognize the importance of ethics in their operations and enforce the ethical standards. Operations managers are expected to act ethically when making business decisions. Strategic plans help businesses to maximize stakeholder’s(shareholders) wealth and move business forward. The managers make decisions based on these strategic plans and strategies. Environment, internal and external customers, and the communities in which they operate must be taken into consideration when developing strategic plans. (Yep, these other stakeholders must be considered when the plan is built) Ethics and social responsibility must be made part of developing a strategic plan. In the Williams Institute for Ethics and Management there are four key elements that define how one uses personal ethics. The elements consist of “understanding and caring about what is good or right, comparing alternatives, formulating opinions regarding what actions are morally appropriate and acquiring necessary skills needed to make the decision. The role of ethics is influenced by our own moral values and experiences learned from behavior.”

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