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Ethnogrophy: Greek Life


Submitted By tckeehn
Words 1471
Pages 6
Ethnography: Greek Life
The Colorado State University is compiled of thousands of mini sub cultures. These sub cultures are what gives people their individuality among each other. Some generic ones would be the Jocks, nerds, Goth’s, Emo’s, and Hippies. Yet there are much more than just those. For instance I am part of the Greek’s. By saying this, I mean that I am apart of Greek life and that I am in fraternity.
The fraternity I am apart of is known as Sigma Chi. For those of you who don’t know what a fraternity is, “The terms "fraternity" and "sorority" describe groups of men and women who join together to offer fellowship, academic support, leadership training, participation in campus activities, service to the community and University, and preparation for future careers. They are referred to as Greek chapters because they are named according to the ancient Greek alphabet.”( A fraternity is known to be a brotherhood that is unbreakable. There is a bond among members who share a common belief in an ideal, yet posses’ different temperaments, talents, and convictions. Yet being a member of greek life also comes with the stereotypical comments being thrown at you constantly. Some example would be: how guys in fraternities are considered as bro’s that just get together to drink beer and get with chicks, guys in fraternities always mistreat women and disrespect them, there is peer pressure to drink excessively, and finally that there is hazing involved within joining a fraternity. There is a long list of these stereotypes put on guys in fraternities, so I took it in my own hands to study the people I already hang out with to see if these stereotypes are true.
The first stereotype that I was most interested about was whether or not fraternities are just drinking buddies for four years that just want to pick up women. To be honest before I was initiated

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