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Euthyphro Socrates Discussion Questions

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In Plato’s “Euthyphro,” Socrates questions a man outside of the courthouse who is turning his father in for illegal activity. Socrates asks him a series of questions that tests Euthyphro’s understanding actions, but moreover Socrates attempts to discover the true meaning of piety, or justice, from what Euthyphro tells him. The line of questioning never really concludes satisfactorily, as Euthyphro excuses himself before Socrates finishes.
To many people in this time, this questioning would not only be redundant and ridiculous, but it would also seem ungodly, as if Socrates was questioning the gods themselves when he was dissecting Euthyphro’s understanding of piety. In reality, the reason for Socrates’ questioning was to bring Euthyphro down a peg. Many of the rich, white landowning voters had very self-inflate views of themselves and their understandings of the world. Socrates questioned these inflated men to disrupt their …show more content…
While Socrates wanted to point out his subjects’ true lack of knowledge and understanding, Socrates just inflated his own ego, as though the knowledge he possessed about not truly understanding or knowing anything made him better than everyone else. In “Apology,” Socrates explains to the jury that “[he] is far from making a defense on [his] own behalf.., but on [the jury’s], to prevent [the jury] from wrongdoing by mistreating the God’s gift to [them] by condemning [Socrates;] for if [they] kill [him they] will not easily find another like [him]” (“Apology” 30d). Here, Socrates literally claims to be “god’s gift” to the Greek, and his inflated sense of self creates more animosity between himself and the jury. While his glib and snarky responses are humorous in the dialogue, his arrogance is overwhelming and eventually causes his

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