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Everyone's Gas Problems


Submitted By ducky25
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Project Paper 1
Project Paper 1

Business Economics
Fall 10 Semester Standard and Session B
Business Economics
Fall 10 Semester Standard and Session B
Arthur Smart

Arthur Smart

Everyone’s Gasoline Problem
We are all familiar with fluctuating prices of gasoline at the pump. Supply and demand is a major factor causing price fluctuation at the pump. The law of demand states all else being equal, as price falls, the quantity demanded rises, and as the price rises, the quantity demanded falls. This is an inverse relationship. If this statement was true concerning fuel then the consumer demand for fuel would decrease as the price increases. Obviously it is not. Supply must also be taken into account. The law of supply states that as prices rise, the quantity supplied rises, as price falls the quantity supplied falls.
If demand rises or a disruption of supply occurs; pressure will be placed on the price. The inverse is also true, if a surplus exists or demand falls less pressure will be put on the price. Competition between retailers could cause prices to fluctuate. If competition does not exist and the retailer is the only player for miles the price may be higher. Oil, gold, wheat and other products are traded on a world market. The price of oil has risen because of its demand around the world. The unrest and war in Iraq and other oil producing countries has also driven prices to an all-time high of 101.5 per barrel for March 2008. The determinate of change in resource price has shifted the supply curve to the left. The increase in the price of oil reduces the supply of gasoline.
The average price for gas in North Carolina is back above $3 a gallon, and observers expect it to hit $4 by this summer. The average gas price for Raleigh is $3.09 a gallon. NC State

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