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Submitted By TLLTOM
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第 22 卷 第 2 期
2006 年 3 月



实质性损害威胁: 确定倾销损害存在的第二条标准

要: 在以往的反 倾 销 案 例 中 , 有 关 当 局 大 都 是 采 用 确 定 倾 销 损 害 的 第 一 条 标 准 , 即 实 质 性 损
害的存在来确定倾销损害的成立, 而对判定倾销损害存在的第二标准和第三标准却 鲜有
文章 试 图 通 过 对 有 关 反 倾 销 案 例 的 观 察 与 分 析 , 阐 明 判 定 倾 销 损 害 存 在 的 第 二 条

关键词: 反倾销; 实质性损害; 实质性损害威胁
中图分类号: D996
文献标识码: A

文章编号: 1002- 0594 ( 2006 ) 02- 0048- 03

收稿日期: 2005- 09- 27

何国家的反倾销主管当局在决定对某项进口产品征收反倾销税时, 都必须同
时考虑三个前提条件: 证明倾销的存在、

害之间存在着某种因果关系, 三者缺一不可。
在的三个标准: 即实质性损害、

的解释, 损害

《协议》 第三条对
WTO 1994 年反倾销协议》 以下简称
在各国反倾销实践中, 大多采用的是第一条
标准, 即以实质性损害来确定损害的存在。
但随着国际市场竞争的日趋激烈, 贸易
保护主义势力日益增强, 各国反倾销有关当局援用后两个标准的机会不断增多。

一《 协议 》

实质性损害威胁是指一国在反倾销调查时, 进口国的某一产业虽然没有达到如
第一条标准所规定的实质性损害的境地, 但如果反倾销当局能用事实证明将会导致
这种境地, 就可以成为主管当局认定倾销产品对该国产业造成损害的第二个标准,
如果审查结果是肯定的, 就可能成为征收反倾销税的依据。
质性损害威胁的规定, 表达的意思基本一致。 《1994 年反倾销协议》
第三条 7
款规定: 对实质性损害威胁的确定应依据事实, 而不是依据指控、

存在实质性损害威胁时, 主管机关应特别考虑下列因素: ( 1) 倾销进口产品进入国内


市场的大幅增长率, 表明进口实质增加的可能性; ( 2) 出口商可充分自由使用的或即
将实质增加的能力, 表明倾销出口产品进入进口成员市场实质性增加的可能性, 同

东 北 财 经 大 学

时考虑吸收任何额外出口的其他出口市场的可获性; ( 3) 进口产品是否以将对国内价


格产生大幅度抑制或压低影响的价格进入, 是否会增加对更多进口产品的需求; ( 4)

辽 宁 大 连 1 16025


宫桓刚 1957-) ,

男, 辽宁丹东人, 教
授, 研究方向为国

导, 但被考虑因素作为整体必须得出如下结论, 即更多的倾销出口产品是迫近的, 且
除非采取保护性行动, 否则实质性损害将会发生。 在该条第 8 款中还指出

销进口产品造成实质性损害威胁的情况, 实施反倾销措施的考虑和决定应特别慎
重。 可见, 实质性损害威胁的存在必须是真实的、
可预见的; 而不


要想确定实质性损害威胁的存在, 进口国


主管当局要有充分的理由和证据, 证明倾销产品会大量增加, 比如证明已经有大量


的在途货物存在, 或证明出口国拥有生产同类产品的巨大能力或大量闲置设备, 或


Vol. 22 No.2


出口国确定继续扩大对进口国的出口, 或进口国免
税仓库中积压大量的进口产品, 或库存将大量增加


另外, 确定实质性损害威胁, 某种产业受到的

印度等 国 的 钢 丝 绳 反
2000 年 4 月, 在美国对中国、

应该是一种现实的威胁, 如果不及时采取反倾销措

倾销案中, 美国国际贸易委员会的最终裁定中做出

施, 则实质性损害必然发生。

了不存在实质性损害威胁的结论, 否定了初裁中认



害, 这是区别实质性损害与实质性损害威胁的重要



在终裁中认为: 首先, 没有证据证明中印两国生产能

二 、 与实质性损害威胁相关的反倾

其次, 尽管中印被指控在欧盟市场倾销, 但两国以欧

迄今为止, 在各国以实质性损害威胁为标准来


确定损害存在, 从而采取反倾销措施的案例并不多

他发展中国家, 不会对美国市场形成威胁; 第三, 虽

美国是受到实质性损害威胁最多的国家, 对这一

然美国的钢丝绳库存量有所增加, 其中包含法尔胜

标准的研究与防范也比较深入, 乌拉圭回合后美国


在对反倾销法所作的最新修改中, 进一步明确和简


化了确定实质性损害威胁的判断标准, 更加注重对

到形成损害威胁的程度; 第四, 该委员会还认为, 在

产品存量这一因素的考虑, 只要进口产品的存量达到


一定程度, 就可以确定为实质性损害威胁, 足见美国



会最终认定, 中国和印度的钢丝绳产品在美国市场

反倾销法的这一新变化与其 20 世纪 80 年代受到日


不无关系 。


幅增加, 因为两国的国内市场消耗了其大部分产品;


在 20 世纪 80 年代以来的两起对华反倾销案的


调查中, 美国国际贸易委员会也曾试图采用实质性

案中, 尽管加拿大政府一再向 WTO 提出申诉, 但美

1988 年 5 月, 美国帽子协会对中

国国际贸易委员会还是于 2004 年 11 月对原产于加

国出口美国的帽子产品提出反倾销起诉, 经过实地

拿大的软木进口做出了产业损害的裁决, 认为美国

考察, 1989 年 4 月美国国际贸易委员会做出否定终


裁, 此案最后以我方胜诉而告终。

美加两国关于软木进口的争议由来已久, 2002


年, 加拿大向美国出口了价值约 60 亿美元的木材,

损害威胁时, 具体考虑了中方是否具有能力增加生

占到美国木材市场的三分之一, 迫于国内生产商的

产, 从而导致增加向美国出口的能力; 进口对美国国

压力, 2002 年 5 月, 美国国际贸易委员会裁定对接

内的渗透能力以致达到损害程度的可能性; 进口价

受政府补贴的加拿大软木将会在美国市场激增, 对

格对国内价格上涨的抑制能力的可能性; 进口库存

美国国内的相关产业存在实质性损害威胁, 于是商


务 部 下 令 向 进 口 的 加 拿 大 软 木 征 收 2.18% 至

国际贸易委员会最后认为, 实质性损害威胁必须是

12.44% 的倾销税。2004 年 3 月, 世贸组织争端解决

事实上存在的威胁, 从中国进口的帽子因受到多边

机构专家小组做出裁决, 认定美国国际贸易委员会

纺织品协定的限制, 扩大出口的可能性不大。

所做出裁决缺乏客观和公正性, 违反反倾销和反补

产品进行调查期间, 国内价格依然上升, 说明进口产

贴协议的相关条款, 所征收的反倾销税和反补贴税



易委员会还认为, 由于进口配额的管制, 中国没有理
口帽子的数量已开始下降, 中国已经着手开拓美国

三 、 确定实质性损害威胁应考虑的


1997年 1 月, 墨西哥糖酒工业协会向墨西哥商


业与工业发展秘书处递交申请, 声称美国以倾销价

由因为要向美出口而扩大生产, 而且中国对美国出


第 22 卷 第 2 期
2006 年 3 月



格向墨西哥出口高糖玉米糖浆, 对墨西哥国内产业

从第三条 4 款所使用的

造成了实质性损害威胁, 要求政府发起反倾销调查。

(should include)” “所 有 有 关 经 济 因 素 (all relevant

1998 年 1 月, 调查当局对涉案产品做出了倾销与损

的 economic factors) ” 用 词 来 看 , 对 第 三 条 4 款 所 列

害存在的肯定性终裁, 并随后采取了最终反倾销措


而美国方面认为, 墨西哥当局关于实质性损害威


第三条的总体要求, 因为对



因此, 专家小组的审查结论是: 墨西哥关于存在实质

7 款所列的四项因素进行审查, 还应给予

性损害威胁的裁决不符合其根据 《协议》第三条 1

三条 4 款所列因素对国内产业的影响进行评估, 要

三条 4 款和三条 7 款所应承担的责任。
因此, 墨

求成立专家小组 。 协议》
第三条 4 款的内容是


生效以来, 第一



响产业状况的所有有关经济因素和指标的评估, 包

例证, 也成为如何使用
第三条 7 款以及如何


理解第三条 7 款与第三条 4 款之间关系的一个很好

设备利用率实际和潜在的下降; 影响国内价格的因



素; 倾销幅度大小; 对现金流动、


注释 :

该清单不是详尽无遗的, 这些因素中的一个或多个

① 本文中关于中国帽子遭美反倾销及美加关于软木进口倾销的资

”专家小组认为, 在
涉及实质性损害威胁的案件中, 墨西哥当局不仅要
考虑第三条 7 款所要求的特别因素, 还应该考虑第

〔 1 〕 宋 和 平 , 黄 文 俊 . 反 倾 销 法 律 制 度 概 论 [M]. 北 京 : 中 国 检 察 出 版

三条 4 款所规定的一般因素。因为第三条中所指的

社, 2001 : 65- 66.
〔 2 〕 陈 静 . 案释 WTO 反倾销协议 [M]. 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版
社, 2002 : 51- 102.

和实质性阻碍产业建立这样三个标准。而第三条 4

Thr eat of Mater ial Har m: The second cr iter ion for confir ming the dumping Har m
GONG Hua n- ga ng
(Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, Dalian 116025 , China )
Abstr act: In previous anti- dumping cases, the authorities concerned only apply the first criterion to confirm the dumping harm. It is rarely seen that the second and the third criteria are applied. The paper, by examining the relevant ani- dumping cases, attempts to discuss the application of the second criterion- the threat of materi- al harm- in determining dumping harm in anti- dumping practices.
Key wor ds: anti- dumping; material harm; threat of material harm
( 责任编校



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...ECON 301 Practice Final Exam NAME: . Fall 2014 FINAL EXAM PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. Suppose Demand and Supply for a competitive industry in the short run can be described the following equations: QD=100 – 2P, and QS=40+2P. Suppose further that the total cost curve for a representative firm in the industry is given by TC = 100+4q+q2, with MC=4+2q. a. Sketch a double graph that depicts the market supply and demand in equilibrium in conjunction with individual firm costs and output choice. Does not need to be to scale. Label all of your answers to b. b. Calculate the short-run equilibrium market price, quantity, individual firm output and firm profit level. Show your work. c. Calculate the long-run equilibrium market price, quantity, individual firm output and number of firms in the industry. Draw and label in a new graph the double graph depicting this equilibrium. Page 1 of 5 2. My Uncle Bob claims that a firm should produce (in the short run) until its average cost is at its minimum. He reasons that in order to maximize profit, a firm must minimize it costs of production. Is my Uncle Bob correct? Carefully explain your answer. (Stating a mathematical rule is not sufficient.) 3. A single vendor supplies the popsicles to the beachcombers on a beach in a small resort town on the east coast. Assume that this vendor acts as a single price-monopolist and that the marginal cost per popsicle is always $0.60 The price elasticity of demand is -5 in the month of May...

Words: 847 - Pages: 4

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...6th Grade 1st Semester Spelling and English Exam Directions: Find each misspelled word, and write the correct spelling above it. This week our local naeborhood association sent out a bulleten about a picnic. The new mayor wanted to entroduce himself in person, so he took the notices to every house. He was threw with the job by noon. We can asume he got to every house, but there is no prewf of that. Deliveries are not part of his rootine, but we have underrstood that this is a new kind of mayor. We hope it’s a sign of his generosity and gooddness . There are many legends about noble knights of medieval times who traveled the land defending the helpless against feerce intruders. With only their sword and sheeld, they were able to achive noble deeds, preventing the seiege of the castle. Other stories tell of knights who forced robbers to yeld their weapons, keeping them from causing further harm and mischeif. Kenji and his business partnor, Ed, are each about to perchase some land, but they are approaching their home construction differently. Kenji hired an architect to design his home. The architect and her construction formean have the final authority on the details of the house. Ed, on the other hand, is planning to build his home himself; theirfour, he and his carpintar will consern themselves with all of the major decisions. Building a tunel in the 1920s was a difficult and unplesant task. Every day, parshul progress was made toward the goal...

Words: 1206 - Pages: 5

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...Management and organization: the exam 1. Please read the ethical dilemma in the Communication (chapter 14) of the textbook (pg. 559). Read the case carefully in order to be able to analyze the situation. a) Provide a short description of the situation (the symptoms and the problems in this case, describe the individuals that play the roles). b) Take the role of Cathy Putnam and make a decision what would you do if you were in here shoes. You may select one of the three alternatives suggested in the case or you may come up with your own alternative. Apply a communication model or concept of your choice to justify your decision. We will evaluate the quality of your analysis based on your use of relevant concepts and models from the chapter 14 (up to 15 points, not more than 500 words). 2. If you had to motivate one of your employees to perform on a higher level, what would be the steps that you would take that would enhance his or her motivation? a) Describe his/her job. b) Point the motivational factors in that job. c) Propose a redesign of the job. d) Apply one of the motivational theories to explain why his/her motivation would increase. We will evaluate the quality of your analysis based on your use of relevant concepts and models from motivation chapter (Ch. 13), (up to 15 points, not more than 500 words). 3. Take two tests from the chapter 8 (pg. 303-304), score and interpret the results. Reflect upon the fit (match) in terms...

Words: 308 - Pages: 2

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...Exam 1. Based upon Remarks by the President in his Address to the Nation on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan, what vital national interest does he see at stake in Afghanistan and how does our involvement support that interest? President Obama see’s the “security of the United States and the safety of the American people at stake in Afghanistan” (Obama 5). “It is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 US troops to Afghanistan” (Obama, 4). Despite having scattered and eliminated many al Qaeda insurgents, as well as, driving the Taliban from power, al Qaeda has retained their pockets of safe havens along the Afghanistan border. Additional troops in Afghanistan will allow us to meet the President’s goal to “disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda in Afghanistan...and to prevent its capacity to threaten America and our allies in the future” (Obama 5). The rapid deployment of troops is needed that we can “target insurgency and secure key population centers...increase our ability to train competent Afghan security forces, and to partner with them so that more Afghans can get into the fight...and help create the conditions for the United States to transfer responsibility to the Afghans” (Obama 5). Because what is at stake is “the security of our allies, and the common security of the world” (Obama 5). 2. Why and how does the 2008 National Defense Strategy counterbalance the armed forces’ past tendency to focus on conventional threats and conflicts...

Words: 824 - Pages: 4

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...Exam Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The phase of the SDLC in which an information system is systematically repaired and improved is referred to as: 1) _______ A) maintenance B) implementation C) physical repair D) analysis 2) Which of the following is a true statement about RAD? 2) _______ A) RAD requires moderate user involvement. B) The bulk of the work in RAD takes place in the requirements planning phase. C) The focus of RAD is on system integration. D) The emphasis in RAD is generally less on the sequence and structure of processes in the life cycle and more on doing different tasks in parallel with each other and on using prototyping extensively. 3) Which of the following are deliverables for the analysis phase? 3) _______ A) code, documentation, training procedures, and support capabilities B) functional, detailed specifications of all system elements C) description of current system and where problems and opportunities are with a general recommendation on how to fix, enhance, or replace current system D) priorities for systems and projects; an architecture for data, networks, and selection hardware, and IS management are the result of associated systems 4) The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain, and replace...

Words: 3201 - Pages: 13