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Example Of Sacrifice Research Paper

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What's the last large sacrifice you made? What kind of sacrifice was it? What values did you use figure it out? Why did you make that sacrifice? I'm sure us humans have made many sacrifices in our life time. Just because we've made them it doesn't mean that they're good. There's lots of thinking that gets put into making sacrifices, both large and small. When doing so you have to determine the kind of sacrifice, the value of the sacrifice, and when to make a sacrifice.

One would ask themselves, how many types of sacrifices could there possibly be? A sacrifice is a sacrifice right?
No. There are four kinds of sacrifices; time,money,comfort, and energy.
The first kind of sacrifice, time, is for example, like …show more content…
I know that when I made sacrifices the majority of them were based on caring about another person. For example, one time my friend needed money to buy her something important and I had it but I needed it to buy things for my own personal use too. If I gave it to her then I would go with out what I needed. If i kept it for myself I would get what I need and just leave my friend struggling. I chose to make that sacrifice because I care about her a lot, and luckily, I still got what I needed at the end of the day.
You should also make sacrifices when you feel obligated to. For example, when my mom asks me to do something for her , that causes me to possibly lose something, i know that I can say no, but I feel obligated to say yes and make that sacrifice. Another example pertaining to why you should make sacrifices is when you know you can help. For instance seeing a homeless person and giving them your last two dollars because you know that you can get it faster than them.
You also should make sacrifices when you have an important goal to reach because you'll be more successful when you've reached those goals. Knowing

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