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Examples Of Conflict In The Stolen Party

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Secondly, conflict contributed to making “The Stolen Party” a good short story because it created a tension that needed to be resolved. Moreover, without conflict the plot would be very dull. For example, one conflict present in the story was essentially man vs. man. When Rosaura is discussing and arguing with her mother when her mother does not want her to go to the party and explains how Luciana is not her friend. Her mother is pleading with her as to not go to the party because she knows they only view her and her daughter as the help when Rosaura`s mother argues, “Listen Rosaura, that one`s not your friend. You know what you are to them? The maid`s daughter, that`s what.” (Hecker, 1) Rosaura`s mother really does not like the idea of Rosaura

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