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Examples Of Relationships In The Great Gatsby

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The first thought about relationships is ‘true love’, but in The Great Gatsby, it’s about the economic and social stability in life. The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald which is a story about the rich and poor in the 1920’s, taking place in New York. It shows the selfishness and carelessness of the rich and how the poor always gets screwed. The character, Jay Gatsby, fell hopelessly in love with the ‘golden’ girl, Daisy Buchanan, but because of complications like money and status, getting together with her becomes a mission for him. The story is told by Nick Carraway who is thrown in the middle of a mess between the affairs of the privileged characters. Nick narrates the storyline and how the relationships in the novel …show more content…
. . . (Fitzgerald, 191).¨ The quote illustrates how Daisy and Tom leaned on their wealth in life because they knew they could get away with anything from destroying someone’s life to murder. ¨They weren't happy, and neither of them had touched the chicken or the ale—and yet they weren't unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together. (Fitzgerald, 155).¨ This scene took place after the death of Myrtle Wilson and the day Daisy confesses her love to Gatsby in front of Tom. The quote shows how after a crisis, Tom and Daisy always find a way back to each other because they give each other a sense of stability in their lives. The Great Gatsby shows how Tom and Daisy end up together through every crisis, although they loved other people. The stability and high status in their relationship, rose them above every obstacle, but they would never be truly in

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