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Examples Of Telecasts In George Orwell's '1984'

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THE MESSAGE "1984" emphasized the internal frustration of Winston Smith in trying to make a change in Oceania. The absence of freedom of expression in Oceania is extreme, but it is a lesson that we can learn on how much the government can control its citizens. While Oceania has telecasts, we have television. Even though we have more control with ours, there are still powerful authority that may decide what the citizens should know and what they should not know. On the extreme side, the telecasts in Oceania always talks about wars and only positive increases in the economy. Even though our society would question a continuously positive news, we are consumed by what is told on shows and advertisement. In conclusion, we can think that our society is controlled by a less powerful Big Brother. We may be fine with the condition we are currently in, but if we are not being critical, the …show more content…
Winston Smith had his own thoughts about how Oceania was not justly ruled. If his thoughts were to be realized, he might bring a change to Oceania and relieve a lot of burdens carried by the citizens. However, he did not have a support system that was strong enough for him to realize his dreams. In fact, the people he trusted the most ended up betraying him. In our society, similar kinds of people are often considered as “inappropriate” or “unlawful”, just as how the government think of Winston Smith. As a real life example, I had a professor who was critical enough to defend his colleague from being fired based on racial status. He ended up getting expelled as well from the institution and was forced to find a new job as a result of his actions. If enough people stood up for the cause, he could have reached his goals and the authority might not have been so powerful. It is easy to go with the majority, but to stand up with the minority to make a positive difference is

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