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Explanations of the Branches of Philosophy


Submitted By jacquelineashley
Words 1351
Pages 6
Explanations of the Branches of Philosophy
Jacqueline T. Ashley
April 3, 2016
AIU Online
Professor Ian McDougall

Explanations of the Branches of Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of the primary essence of knowledge, reality, and existence, mainly when viewed as an educational regimen. Philosophy includes an approach of questions and answers among a couple of individuals; this approach is referred to as a dialogue. In a dialogue, an individual is searching for a reasonable view and comprehension and the other individual already has to understand and wants to assist the other. Philosophy encompasses six branches to aid in the comprehension of the orderly and logical approach to philosophy. The six branches are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political philosophy, and social philosophy. The first branch in understanding in understanding philosophy is Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that handles the first concepts of things, including conceptual principles like being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
Metaphysics is the first branch of philosophy credible for the research of existence and reality. It answers the question “What is?” It involves everything that occurs or lives as well as the type of existence itself. It determines whether the society is actual or simply a hallucination. It is an underlying perspective of society. It is the base of philosophy. If there was no justification or explanation of the society surrounding us the society would be incapable of handling truth. Reality has a particular type unrelated to our opinions or emotions. The society is real. An appropriate metaphysical perspective must intend to comprehend reality accurately. The real world prevails, and every reality has a particular class. It reacts consequently to that class. When incompatible things connect, they do so in relation to

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