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Extended Definitions


Submitted By niyazi
Words 297
Pages 2
Poverty (n)

According to Merriam-Webster, poverty is” the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions”. Most commonly, poverty is the lack of money to provide vital resources, the inability to obtain essential healthcare and social class manipulation. The inability to obtain proper healthcare affects the entire world. Someone who is poor is most likely going to get sick from not being able to obtain preventive care. Once someone who does not have healthcare coverage gets sick or injured, they will have a longer period of suffering until they can get help. The upper class can also feel the effects of poverty when it comes to paying taxes, insurance premiums and pre-existing conditions. Poverty can also be defined as a sequential effect of variables. One of the most complex ways to define poverty is through social-class manipulation. Since the beginning of documented history there has been class separation. This is very important when trying to understand the complexity of the noun poverty. If there was no social class manipulation there would be no poverty. Poverty is not a straightforward term to define. It can have many different interpretations affecting every race or social class. Whether it’s the most severe case of poverty of not being able to obtain life’s essential needs, healthcare or falling trapped into living at a lower standard of life, the word poverty carries a gloomy cloud that rains negativity. But like anything it is always possible to persevere. No one ever wishes to live in poverty or have to deal with its effects. But with the understanding of the word, maybe we can work to give it a new definition.

Merriam Webster Dictionary, retrieved from

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