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Extreme Consumerism Notes


Submitted By sduncan
Words 350
Pages 2
1. Extreme consumerism

2. Biggest consumer countries a. USA, UK, France(Blanding)

* Extreme consumer- someone who falls on the far end of the bell curve * Traditionally Ignored by market researchers until recently * “often the lovers and haters of a product can be the canary in the gold mine”-Jill Avery * What causes extreme consumerism * Lifestyle- religion, * Most are 30 to 45 years old, * their income is above their national average.

* One person has lived exclusively on food that contains Arm & Hammer Baking Soda for more than 30 years.

* Another has bought so many pairs (99, to be exact) of the same Nike shoe that, the customer says, “home looks like a Nike store.” * Another has purchased more than 150 Canon cameras since 2006. * Another has eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Panda Express every day for the past five years. * Another has drunk nothing but Coca-Cola for more than 20 years. * And another has consumed 12 Krispy Kreme doughnuts per day for more than four years. *

* * About 5% of all consumers are extreme consumers * Most extreme consumer spend about 10% of their annual income on a single product

Study of 2000 extreme consumers across Japan, China and Europe * 98% have defended their favorite brand against perceived attacks in the media or from other firms or individuals * 96% describe their favorite brand as “part of the family” * 94% display their extreme behavior in relation to just one brand * 94% agree strongly that “more often than not, buying cheap is expensive” * 94% never even consider buying a brand that rivals their favorite * 79% regularly talk up their favorite brand to family and friends * 71% spend more than one-third of their income on their favorite brand * 53% regularly ridicule competing brands

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