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Submitted By Jrod3V
Words 324
Pages 2
Culture is known as the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. It is the thoughts, behaviors, languages, customs, and things we produce and the methods we use to produce them. Every society and every group has their own set of cultural traits. Because of this, each culture is defined within certain boundaries due to certain beliefs and differences. As a central concept in anthropology, culture is one of the most important factors when it comes to a society or group of people. In today’s society, there are millions of different types of cultures that differentiate between each other based on key facts and rituals that certain societies conduct in. Out of all 7 continents, Africa has probably the most diverse set of cultures a nation can have. With over 400 different cultures founded in Africa, one can say that Africa is deeply cultural in many different ways. Angola, which is a country within Africa, is just one of Africa’s uniquely made countries, but at the same time, has its differences than the other countries as well. The culture of Angola is influenced by several ethnicities which shaped the country. Portugal occupied the coastal enclave Luanda, and later also Benguela, since the 16th/17th centuries, occupied the territory of what today in the 19th/20th centuries, and ruled it until 1975. Because of Portugal, Angola was discovered and is now a part of the great continent that we know as Africa. From then on, a strong nation would be formed that would later practice certain customs, follow certain religions, and created unique arts. Today, Angola is known for their diverse cultural forms as well as their marriage and family forms, religious beliefs, political systems, economic activities, and many more other factors that all together make up Angola. As a whole, Angola has prospered since first discovered and overall, diverse ethnic communities with their own cultural traits and traditions. Throughout cultures, each

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