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Fair Value Accounting and the Gfc


Submitted By jfrench1
Words 1804
Pages 8
With the Global Financial Crisis came the search for answers as to what led to the meltdown in the United States mortgage market and ultimately the rest of the world economy. Speculation was rife that accounting standards, in particular, fair value accounting was the prime reason for this significant meltdown. “This sparked a fierce debate with some experts believing that fair value accounting was primary cause of the crisis whilst others considered that it exacerbated it. On the other side of the debate were those commentators that believed that fair value accounting was successful in acting as an early warning system and effectively prevented more calamitous consequences.” (Pabuccu, 2011)
In response to this speculation, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) immediately took action to review this matter and implement the necessary changes to address the uncertainty surrounding Fair Value accounting.
Due to the economic significance of the crisis, financial commentators around the world analysed the situation, made comment, pointed the finger; and laid blame for this event. Due to the speculation, a ferocious debate commenced, with many of them believing that fair-value accounting was the primary cause of this event. Bubbles and Busts have occurred throughout history and are closely linked to the periods preceding a financial crisis. According to McMahon (2011), “fair-value accounting amplifies business cycles and seems to significantly contribute to bubbles and busts.” In her opinion fair-value accounting is largely to blame for the global financial crisis due to interested parties missing the impending crisis as they “were looking through their own perspective as if the concept of equity had not changed. Thus leading to accounting data being used by all market

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