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Federalism in Usa


Submitted By Duvaleir
Words 1185
Pages 5
1. Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today
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2. Examine three to five (3-5) factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior

3. Discuss at least two (2) factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U.S. federal government influences the creation of American policies overall

1. Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today.
Federalism defines a concept contrary to the federal government that takes all the authority of control. Federalism implies division of command among the levels of government. The central government does not take full control of the relationships of the nation but there is sharing of command between the governments at national and state levels. The Federal association has members from diverse groups represented by their heads and leaders and are held together by a required covenant. (Wilson, Diiulio andBose,2014)
Before the political system was in place today, the colonies was later formed the United States have their own government and political system based on the traditions and culture of its citizens. Before the alliance, every state exercises its own command governed by laws unique to its citizens that may be not practically relevant to the other states (Bohm & Haley, 2007). The birth of United States as an integrated nation brought changes to the system. Federal government evolved following the creation and implementation of the United States Constitution. The state governments were not abolished with the conference that states will partially lose their sovereignty or independence. (Wilson/Diiulio/Bose,2014)
American Federalism ever since then has been observed constitutionally conceding

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