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Federalist And Anti-Federalists Similarities

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There are similarities and differences between Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist controversy. The Federalist and Anti-Federalist controversy explores the views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. The Federalists supported the Constitution, and they wanted the Constitution to become law or ratified. Moreover, the Federalists wanted and believed in a strong, central government. The Federalists consisted of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. On the other side, there were opponents of the Constitution (the Anti-Federalists). The Anti-Federalists thought the Constitution would give the government too much power and control; there was no Bill of Rights to protect the people and their rights from …show more content…
In Common Sense, Paine says government is important in a society because government protects the people, satisfies their wants and needs, and establishes morals and rules for the people to follow. For example, “For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest..” (Paine 501). Therefore, men gave up their land for the government to build their institution on to protect the greater good, society, and the people. Government is important in a society because they protect everyone in that society. The Anti-Federalists also wanted government to play an important role in protecting citizens and their rights. For example, “Its opponents (the anti-Federalists) argued that it gave too much power to a centralized, federal government, that it lacked a bill of rights to protect citizens against the coercive powers of the state” (McMichael 354). Thus, they wanted to see the government adopt a Bill of Rights with the citizen’s rights like freedom of speech, and the government would protect the citizens and their rights. Government’s purpose was to establish rules and morals that stopped …show more content…
The main point that Common Sense is trying to make is that society created government because society needed an institution to protect them, satisfy their wants and needs, and to establish rules. Society needed to depend on a source of power to help them to survive. On the other hand, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Controversy defend their stances on if the Constitution should become law or not. The point in this writing is the Federalists are fighting for the Constitution to become law; they want a strong, central government to preside over the people with multiple duties like keeping them safe, protecting their rights, and more. The Anti-Federalists did not want the Constitution to become law because they thought the government would have too much power, and there was no Bill of Rights. Common Sense and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Controversy have different points in their writings that they are trying to prove. Also, another difference between these writings is how they express their views. In Common Sense, Paine express his views on government and society through writings and points. For instance, “Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins” (Paine 500). Paine explains his views through points, opinions, and evidence. He

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