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Fetal Abnormality


Submitted By Shijibenni
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Personal Worldview Inventory Elizabeth Benni
Grand Canyon University: HTL310 Spirituality in Nursing
November 1, 2015

Spirituality can be defined in many ways. Spirituality is a common human experience that affects each and every one of us. It is looking for something more than what can be found in the physical world. It is a personal relationship a person has with God. Spirituality is usually a concept that was considered when people formed their worldviews.
In the modern Western worldview we can look at dualism as an example. Dualism as the word suggests refers to two parts. In this perspective “good and evil are two independent entities locked in eternal conflict” (Shelly and Miller, 2006). It shows us contrasting concepts paired together: sweet-sour, yin-yang etc. Many medieval scholars interpreted this worldview by saying that the “good” would be heaven and the “evil” was earth. They had put more emphasis onto the supernatural side of the matter. Scientism
Another worldview would be scientism which practically disregards all spirituality. In this worldview everything can be explained by empirical science (Shelly, 2006). This completely contradicts with the postmodern worldview which many people argue is our current worldview. In this viewpoint there is “an increasing recognition that science cannot give meaning to life”. The world is what we see and how we describe it to be.
My Personal Worldview
I disagree with all of the mentioned views above because my personal worldview is the Christian worldview. To understand worldview there are many things that should be known beforehand. Such as prime reality which for Christians, is God who made the universe and everything in it (Shelly, 2006). Another aspect that plays into worldview is the nature of the world around us. From a Christian standpoint postmodernism does not correlate with my beliefs. In that viewpoint, as mentioned before, the world is what is seen and nothing beyond that. Many aspects of Christianity require blind faith which postmodernist would argue against. A worldview that would better fit me would be the Christian worldview in which nursing grew from. This viewpoint looks at the world from the eyes of God. Where did this stem from? It was during a disastrous plague that many Christians showed their humility and compassion to help those whom others neglected. They chose to take care of the sick and the needs as Jesus had done in the Bible. Christians instead of looking to materialistic items, looked to God who taught them how to serve others. This form of service did not end there and instead has continued on with mankind. Nursing is a ministry that aims to show God’s compassion on people in heath and sickness through comfort and love. So how do we describe those to whom we administer service? Or how do we define our own selves? What is a human being? In the Christian worldview it is believed that all people were created by God in his image. (Gen 1:26). Each being has a special relationship with the heavenly Father and each human is loved and cared for. When a human is to die what happens next? “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die” (Eccles 3:1-2). One aspect of life humans have to come to terms with is mortality. Though we may not live forever on this earth, we are promised eternal life through Jesus Christ. Often we are amazed by how far we have come from the past years. We have made many technological and medical advancements in such a short time. Why is it possible for us to know what we know? Because we are made in the perfect image of God. Although it is impossible for us to know everything because of our fallen human nature, we are intelligent because God willed us to be so. Being intelligent creatures, how do we know what is right and what is wrong? When God created man in his image, he gave him the freedom to make his own choices (Shelly, 2006). We often do know what is right but we choose not to do it. From the time of our biblical ancestors to now we have seen people making the same mistakes over and over again even after knowing how to prevent many of them. We have got to remember that even in tempting times that we are made in the image of God and his son Jesus who led a blameless life. In times where you struggle to identify the right from wrong you can always look to God and ask for him to help you. Finally what is the meaning of human history? Personally I think that throughout history, God has been trying to show us how powerful and compassionate he is. We have seen many miracles in the Bible and in the past centuries in which God has revealed himself to millions of people. Through our human history God shows both his caring and wrathful side. It serves as both a promise and a warning. A promise of eternal life to those who believe in him and a warning of a wrathful God to those who decide to disobey him.

Puchalski, C. M. (2001). The Role of Spirituality in Health Care. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 14(4), 352–357.
Shelly, J., & Miller, A. (2006). Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press.

The Holy Bible

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