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Field Trip//the Things They Carried


Submitted By emman1341
Words 471
Pages 2
Field Trip
Closure is a necessity when it comes to coping with tragedy because unless certain measures are taken, the sorrow and pain never fade. In O’Brien’s case, visiting the field provided him with closure because he had something he could place blame on, which in this case was a specific location. This blaming is seen as O’Brien states, “Over the years, that coldness had never entirely disappeared. There were times in my life when I couldn’t feel much, not sadness or pity or passion, and somehow I blamed this place for what I had become, and I blamed it for taking away the person I had once been.” (176) By pointing fingers at the field for this tragedy and what the war did to him, he can take the regret and sadness he feels and transform it to something else. He directs his feelings to a form of hatred towards this location, so that he can move on and leave his pain in the past. But closure will not occur solely over time, as time does not always heal, and that is why these certain measures are to be taken. This is seen as O’Brien reflects, “For twenty years this field had embodied all the waste that was Vietnam, all the vulgarity and horror.” (176) O’Brien had waited twenty years since the war, and the memories still haunted his mind. The pain he felt was everlasting and endless, which was taking control of his life and his mind. O’Brien feels as if he never fully recovered from his experiences as he states, “In a way, maybe, I’d gone under with Kiowa, and now after two decades I’d mostly worked my way out.” (178) Because the closure of the situation was never really there, he felt he could never fully accept what occurred and that he was constantly living in the past. There would always be a part in his mind where he felt he needed relief, because he had endured

numerous tragedies of war, which was an unexplainable experience that made it hard for himself to accept. These memories haunt the minds of those who endured tragedy, and it changes their perspective for many aspects of life. O’Brien’s daughter points out his inability to get over the events that occurred as she states, “...Some dumb thing happens a long time ago and you can’t ever forget it.” (175) His daughter’s observation of this shows that his incapability has not only affected his own life, but that others as well. She sees that her father is struggling with the pain and sorrow of the past, and the closure that he lacks is negatively affecting his life. Closure is of great importance because it can help to erase the sadness of the past, and open eyes to a brighter future.

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