Premium Essay

Find the Hapiness


Submitted By bumblebee94
Words 278
Pages 2
Happiness, it’s usually come from our heart, our mind, our situation, that will make we feel happy, satisfied, and good. In my research from the source, Prof Dr Muhaya :

we have 4 levels of happiness: 1. I was not happy: this is unfortunate 2. I'm happy, but ..: there should be a drug, a dangerous thing to do 3. I'm just happy if: married, or get a property but what we want to accomplish today is a happy based on thanksgiving in fact, people who are happy are those who are happy to see others happy.
In life, there are two things that can poison our minds. 1. regretting the past

for example, i have one cup of coffee, then I drink it, now it become half, can I get back the half that I already drink? Cannot right?
It’s same with our life, when something happen, we can’t look back, because it’s already happened. What we must do, move forward, and make all that happen is a lesson for us to be more careful and understand the meaning of life.

2. troubling about future

for example, you must do your exam, but you already put the fact that you will be failed, you can’t do it. You don’t know what will happen in future so you can’t put the fact . what you must do, you must strive, you must brave, you have to be confident with your self.
Three things must we do when meeting people is: 1. we learn to appreciate 2. good quotes 3. never criticize them

Lastly, my advice, change ourselves, think positive, learn to forgive, and we definitely feel the happiness. thank

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