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Submitted By fkonig
Words 2055
Pages 9
LYCAR – Research project
Hotel Van der Valk | Den Haag – Nootdorp
Plan of Approach

Prepared by:
Floris-Jan König 682028

Prepared for: B. van der Valk H. Kaan T. Tijdeman
Version: 1.0
Date: 8 November 2012
Place: The Hague

Table of Contents Introduction 3 Purpose of project 3 Research question 4 Sub questions 4 Purpose of plan of approach 4 The plan of approach defines the following: 4  Project purpose 4  Business and project goals and objectives 4  Scope and expectations Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.  Roles and responsibilities 4  Assumptions 4  Ground rules for the project 4  Project timeline 4 Background information 4 Currently the 4 Project approach 4 Goals and Objectives 5 Business Goals and Objectives 5 Project Goals and Objectives 5 Scope 5 Scope definition Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd. Assumptions 5 Project Assumptions 5 Deliverables 6 Project Management Approach 6 Project Timeline 6 Project Roles and Responsibilities 6 Communication Plan 6 Attachments/Appendices 8 Appendix 1 – The LYCAR Criteria for research 10

1. Introduction
As part my final phase at Hotelschool The Hague I have to fulfil the requirements of the Lycar course. The whole Lycare course consists of 3 final products which will, in the end, lead to graduation at Hotelschool to Hague for a bachelor degree in Business administration in Hotel Management. As described in figure 1 I have to conduct research with regards to various professional duty categories, namely; PDC 5 and 6.

“PDC 5 – Analysing financial performance, the internal hospitality environment; information and processes to strengthen coherence and interaction (reciprocity)
PDC 6 – Designing, controlling and improving organizational and hospitality business processes.”

Also all the four required components are

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