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Flung Out Of Space Analysis

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Carol: A Film “Flung Out of Space”
Carol is a 2015 film directed by Todd Haynes and is based on the novel “The Price of Salt,” by Patricia Highsmith. The film is set in New York City in 1952 and showcases the intertwining of the lives of two very different women, Therese, an aspiring photographer and Carol, an older woman going through a difficult divorce and custody battle. The story is one of romance, eyes meet, hands touch briefly, and two women fall in love, all seems right. Then, the rose-colored glasses are pulled away to reveal that the world around them and the forces in their own lives are moving against them until a barrier is thrown between them that seems to be impossible to get over. Their fate has been determined and by no fault of their own, the relationship is no more. The film doesn’t end there though, as it turns out the barrier that was between them was not one that was to be scaled at all. It was a wall that the women had to decide for themselves needed to be torn down, regardless of what social norms and expectations had built it in the first place. …show more content…
For example, the pair are forced apart because of actions of someone else, it is beyond their control just as falling in love was, their fate seems to have already been determined. They don’t give in to this supposed fate though, they push back against the very foundations of the world they live in. Throughout it all, they stay true to their own identity, even when it seems that they have given up hope of being together they can’t deny their emotions that drive them. They ignore social norms of conformity and do not deny their individuality, this is where we see the Romanticism shine

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