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Formulas In Trigonometry

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Pages 4
This investigation is designed to utilise the formulas learnt in trigonometry, to investigation the heights and distance of trees, buildings and roads. These formulas were based off and included
As a real world application to the formulas at use in terms of the Trigonometry Direct Investigation and the topic currently used, Trigonometry, it can lead to things such as measuring the lengths of tall objects such as buildings, hills or mountains, by using the most suitable formula Cosθ=adjecent/hypotenuse.
To collect the different datasets and relevant data the students had to collect the information that we could find and calculate what is required …show more content…
Section one was straightforward to solve. The task consisted of one formula solutions and the majority of the information was given in the question and was not required to be calculated through separate working out. Simple calculations and formulas were used to calculate the height of the tree and if the distance from the tree from the house was safe enough for the tree to be cut down without harming the house.
Section two was more complicated as formulas had to be mixed around to suit the question that was given. Newer formulas were also given for the use of the question. These formulas were not used in practise as much and therefore harder to grasp and understand the concept of the equation. When the formula was used in a problem, the character and symbols that were used in the formula were easier to understand. When comparing the data to others who have completed the task, it was discovered that the result of the problem was wrong and that there were incorrect components in the working …show more content…
By not being given the measurements and having to discover it in accordance to the student, the measurements had varied and inaccuracies were made. Each group consisted of different people with different heights, floor to eye levels and different health of their eyes, it was easy to spot inaccuracies. Comparing results with other groups in order to check results were not recommended because the measurements were according to the different groups. The distance away from the buildings were different, providing different angles. If the person was wearing glasses or had problems with their eyesight, the top of the building may have been misinterpreted. The eye that was used for the clinometer was also an important factor. When holding a finger in front of a face with both eyes open, it provides an accurate distance, but when closing one eye and observing with the other eye and constantly switching, the finger tend to move. Because of this, in writing both eyes should have been used at the same time to use the clinometer. Because using a clinometer from the middle of a head in not practical, useful and does not work, one eye can only be used. It is recommended to attempt it with both eyes alternating them, three measurements per eye, but it would be time consuming as it would take twelve measurements to take as well as the working out for all twelve measurements, not including the

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