Premium Essay

French Revoulution


Submitted By kimmyreed
Words 2819
Pages 12
Special Presentation

H i s t o r y. c o m

A dethroned king, a flamboyant queen, the storming of a fortress prison and the terror of the guillotine – the French Revolution has all of the ingredients of an engrossing drama. Yet to delve beneath the surface of these characters and symbols is to discover the complexity of this transformative era. The events of the French Revolution, transpiring over the span of a decade, were part of a grander Age of Revolutions and at the same time were comprised of a series of smaller stories of individual French citizens becoming politically engaged amidst tremendous poverty, intellectual transformation, and ultimately... violence. A combination of factors including rising expectations spurred by the Enlightenment, massive starvation, and frustration with the mismanagement of an inept monarchy pushed the Revolution’s initial aims. These aims were worn down as political conflicts splintered revolutionary groups and led to a frenzy of executions by guillotine. The special two-hour presentation, The French Revolution, peels through the layers of these remarkable years, from 1789 through the turn of a new century, to reveal an era of intense and lasting political and intellectual change. While the complexity of the French Revolution might seem to present daunting challenges, its significance in shaping international currents merits a careful exploration. Within the course of a decade, the French monarchy was shorn of its political power, a framework was created for a universal understanding of basic human and civil rights, and countless French citizens across class backgrounds acted to achieve political power in an era of

repression and economic uncertainty. The “Age of Reason,” also known as the “Enlightenment,” was the historical context which gave birth to a host of new ideas about the rights of individuals and the obligations

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