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Friar Tucker International


Submitted By pooch1
Words 698
Pages 3
Friar Tucker International (FTI) is a hospitality service chain whose vision is” to be among the top 10 hospitality service providers in the family entertainment business, based on their superior service levels and innovative monitoring” (University of Phoenix, 2011, para. 2 ). FTI’s mission is “to attract more visitors and customers through food and entertainment facilities, and ensure a great family experience” (University of Phoenix, 2011, para. 2 ). Over the next three business years, FTI’s key focus areas are to establish their presence in the entertainment hospitality segment, consolidate their presence in the cuisine business by expanding into specialty cuisine establishments, and expand into the corporate entertainment segment (University of Phoenix, 2011). FTI is making significant progress toward meeting the organizations goals as the company manages 35 entertainment and cuisine establishments, employs 1,200 individuals and generates revenue of more than $300 million (University of Phoenix, 2011). Under the astute leadership of CEO Richard Bellini, FTI has entered agreements which several hotel chains will be managing the company’s establishments and executing diverse projects that fell in the realm of FTI’s core business. FTI was convinced by it clients to accept some projects for which they would do subcontract work; however, these projects did not directly align with the company’s strategic objectives. Ricardo intends to change the random nature of how projects are selected (University of Phoenix, 2011). Ricardo Bellini, CEO has established a Project Selection Committee (PSC) to identify the types of projects the company should consider. Ricardo expects the PSC to select the projects that will align with the company’s objectives; however, though the PSC seems to be affluent in their fields of business, each member o the PSC has a different

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