Premium Essay



Submitted By liebegermany
Words 3731
Pages 15
Do the following exercises and justify or explain your answers where appropriate.
Task 1
Look at Ur’s list of patterns of interaction below. Decide whether each interaction is either more student-centred or more teacher-centred. Justify your answers.

Group work .This type of work is student-centred in regard to the active participation of the students in the task given.
Closed-ended teacher questioning. This is a teacher-centred interaction. The students direct their communication to the teacher waiting for approval. There seems to be a kind of feedback; however, it shouldn't be focused on individuals as it should be done as a whole class.
Individual work. This is a student-centred pattern. Students work independently and at their own speed. It is an excellent opportunity for them to explore and perceive their own learning style. However, the only drawback is the lack of social-educational components and the risk of idling.
Choral responses. This is teacher-centred interaction. The teacher is in control of the whole interaction in the class by building the drills, during which students don't have the chance to deal with the new language information in their own minds.
Collaboration. This is a student-centred activity. There is an observable interaction in sharing experiences and joining intellectual effort, working together to search for understanding and solutions in their tasks.
Student initiates, teacher answers. Both students and teacher are fairly equally active with the students thinking and asking the questions and the teacher responding them. The activity is completed with the participation of both the teacher and the students.
Full-class interaction. This is student-centred. The whole articulation is between the students because they generate the

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