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Submitted By codyalan24
Words 293
Pages 2
Cody Brittain
Chapter 5: Social Stress and Health
Reflection Questions 1.) Which of these are examples of stressful situations that can affect physical and mental health? Page 97 a. Unpleasant working conditions b. Financial strain c. Job loss d. Divorce e. All of the above 2.) How many basic components does Charles H. Cooley’s looking-glass self-concept have? Page 98 f. One g. Two h. Three i. Four 3.) From Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, the information needed for someone to communicate is gotten through? Page 99 j. A person’s appearance k. A person’s experience with other similar individuals l. The social setting m. The information a person communicates about himself or herself through words and actions n. All of the above 4.) The functionalist theory was derived from the work of which sociologist? Page 100 o. Cooley p. Thomas q. Durkheim r. Goffman 5.) Which of these is a type of suicide that Durkheim conceptualized? Page 101 s. Egoistic t. Anomic u. Altruistic v. All of the above 6.) What refers to the maintenance of a relatively constant condition? Page 103 w. Homeostasis. x. Process y. Preparation z. Communication

7.) Walter Cannon formulated the concept of the “___________” pattern of physiological change to illustrate how the body copes with stress resulting from social situation. Page 104 {. Flight or fight |. Fight or flight }. Flatten or inflate ~. Inflate or flatten 8.) Hans Selye developed a theory known as the ___________. Page 105 . General adaptation syndrome . Specific adaptation syndrome . Human adaptation syndrome . Pinpoint adaptation syndrome 9.) Leonard Pearlin

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