Premium Essay

G Local Warming


Submitted By Kkm365
Words 3132
Pages 13
English 1012, GW Essay

Global warming, by definition is the increase in the Earth's ocean and near surface temperatures. In the last several decades, there have been numerous debates regarding global warming. The vast majority of the scientific community now agrees that global warming is caused by the increase in greenhouse gasses, but there is an ongoing debate on whether the increase is due to human activity or from natural sources, such as volcanoes and forest fires. The controversy gained a lot of public attention in 2005 when politician and former Vice President Al Gore created a documentary titled An Inconvenient Truth. The documentary was a compilation of scientific research, theories, and facts that served to blame human activity as the culprit of global warming. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) created the Kyoto Protocol in response to the threats associated with global warming (Hawkins 1). The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement among industrialized nations whom have pledged to reduce their annual emission of greenhouse gasses. The protocol currently consists of over 160 nations representing over 55% of the world's greenhouse gases. Ironically, the United States, the biggest contributor of greenhouse gases, accounts for 20.6% of the worlds greenhouse gases, and has not signed the protocol (Clemmit). Our nation's political leaders are at a debate on whether money should be spent in order to decelerate or prevent global warming. George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, and most of the Republican Party members do not believe it is necessary to spend money in an effort to combat global warming (Clemmit 4). Barack Obama, the President of the United States acknowledges the problem, and has created the Clean Energy Act. The Clean Energy Act serves to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel over the course of the next 15

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