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Gender Differences on Verbal and Non Verbal Tasks


Submitted By croberto
Words 1884
Pages 8
Gender Differences in Verbal and Non-Verbal Tasks and Memory Recall

Females are better at recall tasks than males. To test the level of recall a study was administered to test recall abilities in verbal and non verbal tasks and also immediate and delayed recall among males and females. It is often believed that males have a more superior recall memory than females due to the fact that more men are hired over women in jobs. And also men make more money than women. While females may earn less than men, through this study, females proved to be just as capable as males, in fact, more so, in the ability to recall memory.
Introduction and Literature Review
Comparing males and females is a natural occurrence: it occurs in the work force as well as in everyday happenings. Men are often hired over women, and men make more money than women. Psychologists Agneta Herlitz and Jenny Rehnman in Stockholm, Sweden asked a complicated question of human predisposition: Does one’s sex influence his or her ability to remember every day events? Their surprising findings did in fact determine significant sex differences in episodic memory, a type of long-term memory based on personal experiences, favouring women.

Specific results indicated that women excelled in verbal episodic memory tasks, such as remembering words, objects, pictures or everyday events, and men outperformed women in remembering symbolic, non-linguistic information, known as visuospatial processing. For example, the results indicate a man would be more likely to remember his way out of the woods.
This study seeks to determine if there is a difference in verbal and non-verbal tasks and also immediate memory recall and delayed memory recall among males and females.
In an experiment conducted by Washburn (2005), women were found to be more adaptive than males: “All participants showed overconfidence, but

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