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Gender Representation


Submitted By najacques123
Words 430
Pages 2
Male Representation

How Is Masculinity Represented In The Three Example Sources You’ve Chosen?

In order to investigate masculinity I will explore three specific examples of media texts relating to the representation of men in ‘The Wolf Of Wall Street film trailer’, the ‘GQ magazine’ and the ‘Sam Smith CD cover’.

The first media text I will look at is The Wolf Of Wall Street film trailer released in December 17 2013 by Paramount Pictures. The films storyline is about Jordan Belfort in 1987 (Leonardo DiCaprio) taking an entry-level job at a Wall Street brokerage firm then moving up in the world and becoming a billionaire.

Throughout the film Jordan is presented as a dominant leader who has high control over the staff that works for him modelling them into himself to make them successful. He is presented in the trailer as a powerful and wealthy stereotype. This is reflected in the trailer when he

Male representation in the film trailer is shown as iconic, money obsessed drug using, sex fanatics. The film trailer portrays men as money obsessed by repeatedly showing scenes with money whether it being strapped to a hooker or thrown off a boat. The use of money symbolises power in the film and presents what money can do to change a person’s life.

In the trailer the men make reckless decisions and act abnormally. This is shown in the film trailer by the quick scenes and fast action shots. The speed of the different shots symbolises the frantic life the characters have.

Another media text I analysed was the GQ magazine cover featuring Channing Tatum for December 2012. Throughout many GQ covers I explored it was clear that GQ magazine present men with an appealing body image showing them have a good sense of style.

In this issue Tatum is presented as very stylish and formal through the clothes he is wearing. The smart modern suit and buttoned up blazer symbolises Channing Tatum as being very smart and shows him taking pride in his appearance.

The medium shot used on the front cover of the magazine allows the reader to see Channing Tatum’s upper half of the body, and his facial expressions. This is very effective because it gives the reader a better angle to see what he’s wearing and his body language.

The language used in the GQ magazine and advertisements in men’s magazines, is found to construct and represent specific types of masculine identity. The magazines slogan ‘LOOK SHARP

Finally the last media example in relation to male representation. Sam Smiths CD cover.

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