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Gender Stereotypes In Nursing

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Looking at the sample size and population, the researchers used a large sampling size from males in nursing. To obtain the responses needed, researchers used surveys to get an understanding of when, where, and type of discrimination those males were exposed to. With the study setting, it focused on males who were in nursing school along with males who are currently working as nurses in the medical field. Regarding the sampling method, the researchers used a non-probable sampling, this is due to the number of male nurses and students in society today. The population size for this study is not large enough to use a probability sample. I believe the researchers used an inter-rater reliability tool as well as sampling validity as a measuring tool in their study. With inter-rater reliability “... [it measures the] reliability used to assess the degree to which different judges or raters agree in their decisions” (Phelan & Wren, n.d.). Since the males were given the ability to choose their responses, the researchers could assess their decisions and determine the percentage of how many answered with a specific choice. As for sampling validity “… [it] ensures that the measure covers the broad range of areas within the concept under study” (Phelan & Wren, n.d.). By covering both the males in nursing school and who work in the hospital, the researchers can …show more content…
With these findings, “Nursing faculty should prepare nursing students to interact with female clients and provide counselors to discuss problems that emerge during their training and experiences… Role modeling the therapeutic relationship is another strategy… to prepare for intimate cases… [lastly] a need to revise nursing educational programs… in order to provide equal training opportunities to all nursing students, develop a climate of acceptance and empower male students in both nursing school and [the] clinical field” (Kouta & Kaite,

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