Premium Essay

Gender Traits


Submitted By samanthabarba11
Words 520
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Gender Trait Chart

Complete the chart by listing seven traits you believe are associated with male or female behavior. Examine the differences of these traits between genders. Identify whether the differences are biological, social, inherent, or learned. Explain why.

| | |Are the trait differences biological or social? Are the traits |
|Gender Trait |What are the trait differences between genders? |inherent or learned? Why? |
|Being Affectionate |Although men can be affectionate, women are more prone to do so. |The difference is a social one. In our society it is considered |
| | |unacceptable for a man to be affectionate. A principal at a |
| | |Florida Elementary school was actually investigated due to his |
| | |affectionate nature. “One parent stated she didn’t like Dr. Jack |
| | |Currie showing physical affection because he was a man (Folan, |
| | |1995).” |
|Dominance |Men are more commonly considered

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