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Genetic Moodifie Chapter Summary

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Pages 2
While scientists are able to splice and insert genetic material across different species, no one can truly predict the outcome. The book gives detail about how scientist would stimulate what would happen if there creation were released into the world. It mentions how they tested their creation and in the real world it had a horrible outcome. In the book it also talks about how “Super” mice were created when the AIDS virus was inserted in the mouse. The book then goes to talk about how if the mice were to escape and mate with other mice, their viruses could cause a virulent strain of the virus. Even though they did take measure to secure the mice, I feel we would be faced with a horrible situation for the surround animals that the mice could possible come in contact with.. Genetically …show more content…
The genetic blueprint of our own species could be altered, changing our biological evolution of earth. In the book there is about the idea of creating super humans. Where different species can now be genetically modified together. I don’t think it is in the best interest for humans to be combined with any another species. I also feel, as creating a “perfect” human is the best of society. Just as the book mention that last time the “perfect” human was sought after it was the Aryan race; blonde hair, blue eyes. The book gives details about the history of eugenic in the United States, which really upset me. I find it interesting that the government passed a law allow people to be sterilized without their consent. I feel it was not there duty, and right to determine who can and cannot reproduce. It violated people’s natural right. Furthermore I think that the diversity among people should not be weeded it out. All people should not be the same and it should not be a thing to eliminate certain genes because politics view them as undesirable. In a sense I feel like the Americans sterilized by the law were treated like animals. Under the law they were “fixed” like animals without any

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