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2015 年度注册会计师全国统一考试报名简章
根据《注册会计师全国统一考试办法》 ,现将 2015 年度注册会计 师全国统一考试专业阶段考试和综合阶段考试报名有关事项规定如 下: 一、报名条件 (一)同时符合下列条件的中国公民,可以申请参加注册会计师 全国统一考试专业阶段考试: 1. 具有完全民事行为能力; 2. 具有高等专科以上学校毕业学历,或者具有会计或者相关专 业中级以上技术职称。 (二)同时符合下列条件的中国公民,可以申请参加注册会计师 全国统一考试综合阶段考试: 1. 具有完全民事行为能力; 2. 已取得注册会计师全国统一考试专业阶段考试合格证。 (三)有下列情形之一的人员,不得报名参加注册会计师全国统 一考试: 1. 因被吊销注册会计师证书,自处罚决定之日起至申请报名之 日止不满 5 年者; 2. 以前年度参加注册会计师全国统一考试因违规而受到停考处 理期限未满者。 二、报名程序 参加注册会计师全国统一考试的报名人员, 应当通过中国注册会

计师协会(简称中注协)网站“注册会计师全国统一考试网上报名系 统” (,简称网报系统)进行报名。报名分 为填写报名信息、交费和资格审核三个环节。 (一)填写报名信息。 报名人员应当于 2015 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 30 日(网报系统开放 时间为每天 8:00—20:00) ,直接登录网报系统进行注册,点击“我要 报名” ,按照报名指引如实填写相关信息。非首次报名人员的相关信 息如发生变动,应当重新填写。 (二)交费。 1. 报名信息填写完成后即可通过网上支付交纳考试报名费,交 费完成视为报名程序完成。 报名程序完成后, 所报考科目及相关信息 不能更改。 2. 持非居民身份证(如军官证) ,或者网报系统中未能显示本人 照片, 以及以会计或者相关专业中级以上技术职称作为报名条件的首 次报名人员, 应当在报名期间携带本人签名的报名信息表、 有效身份 证件、照片、职称证书或相关材料,到报名所在省、自治区、直辖市 注册会计师协会(简称省级注协)指定地点(详见网报系统中有关各 省报名信息)进行确认后,再完成交费。 3. 交费截止时间为 4 月 30 日 20:00。 报名费标准按照各省、自治区、直辖市价格主管部门、财政部门 制定的相关规定执行。交费手续完成后,报名费不予退还。 (三)资格审核。 1. 首次报名人员(不含应届毕业生,下同)和应届毕业生报名 人员的照片信息, 将由公安部全国公民身份证号码查询服务中心进行

认证,自动提取。 2. 首次报名人员和应届毕业生报名人员填报的毕业证书或学历 认证书编号, 将由中国高等教育学生信息网进行认证。 未通过认证的 报名人员,不符合报名条件,报名资格不予通过。 3. 应届毕业生报名人员应当于 7 月 20 日至 31 日(网报系统开 放时间为每天 8:00—20:00)期间,登录网报系统录入本人的毕业证 书编号; 持国外学历证书的报名人员, 应当录入教育部留学服务中心 出具的学历认证书编号。 未录入毕业证书或学历认证书编号的, 不符 合报名条件,报名资格不予通过。 报名资格未通过的报名人员, 将不能下载打印准考证和参加考试, 报名费不予退还。 4. 报名人员可在规定时间内登录网报系统查询个人报名状态。 非首次报名人员可在报名完成后查询,首次报名人员可在 5 月 29 日 后查询,应届毕业生报名人员可在 8 月 21 日后查询。 5. 符合综合阶段考试的报名条件,但不能完成报名程序的报名 人员,可向报名所在省级注协查询办理。 三、考试科目和考试范围 专业阶段考试科目:会计、审计、财务成本管理、公司战略与风 险管理、经济法、税法。 专业阶段考试报名人员可以同时报考专业阶段 6 个科目, 也可以 选择报考部分科目。 综合阶段考试科目:职业能力综合测试(试卷一、试卷二) 。 考试范围:由《注册会计师全国统一考试大纲——专业阶段考试 (2015 年度) 》和《注册会计师全国统一考试大纲——综合阶段考试

(2015 年度) 》予以确定。 四、考试方式(特定范围报名人员考试方式在本简章“五”中 规定) 考试采用闭卷、计算机化考试(简称机考)方式。即,在计算机 终端获取试题、作答并提交答题结果。 考试系统支持 8 种输入法:微软拼音输入法、全拼输入法、智能 ABC 输入法、谷歌拼音输入法、搜狗拼音输入法、王码五笔型输入 法、极品五笔输入法、万能五笔输入法。 五、特定范围报名人员 (一)特定范围报名人员,是指 1967 年 12 月 31 日前(含)出 生的,选择纸笔作答考试方式的报名人员(下同) 。 纸笔作答考试方式,是指通过计算机终端获取试题,客观试题使 用计算机作答,主观试题使用纸笔作答。 (二)非首次报名的特定范围人员,在报名信息填写完成后,即 可通过网上支付交纳报名费。 首次报名的特定范围人员, 应当在报名 信息填写完成后, 于报名期间携带本人签名的报名信息表、 有效身份 证件和纸笔作答考试方式申请书到报名所在省级注协指定地点, 完成 纸笔作答考试资格确认后, 再通过网报系统交纳报名费。 交费手续完 成后,考试方式不再允许变更。 (三)特定范围报名人员,应当到中注协专门设立的考区参加考 试。 综合阶段考试和专业阶段考试的考区设置在湖北省武汉市。 (四)纸笔作答考试方式将自 2016 年起取消。 六、考试时间和地点

(一)考试时间。 综合阶段考试: 2015 年 8 月 29 日 08: 30—12: 职业能力综合测试 00 (试卷一) 14:00—17:30 职业能力综合测试 (试卷二) 专业阶段考试: 2015 年 10 月 17 日 08:30—11:00 13:00—15:30 17:30—19:30 2015 年 10 月 18 日 08:30—11:30 13:30—15:30 17:30—19:30 (二)考试地点。 综合阶段考试地点安排在直辖市和省会城市。 专业阶段考试地点安排在各省、自治区、直辖市设立的考区。 七、考试辅导教材 中注协根据《注册会计师全国统一考试大纲——专业阶段考试 (2015 年度) 》和《注册会计师全国统一考试大纲——综合阶段考试 (2015 年度),编写专业阶段 6 个科目考试辅导教材、专业阶段和 》 综合阶段试题汇编,以及经济法规汇编,由出版社出版发行。报名人 员可在当地书店、出版社指定的网上书店或者在省级注协自愿购买。 八、准考证的下载打印 综合阶段考试报名人员应当于 8 月 10 日至 26 日期间(每天 8: 00—20:00) ,登录网报系统下载打印准考证。 专业阶段考试报名人员应当于 9 月 21 日至 9 月 30 日、10 月 8 审计 财务成本管理 经济法 会计 公司战略与风险管理 税法

日至 10 月 14 日期间(每天 8:00—20:00) ,登录网报系统下载打印准 考证。 九、试卷评阅和成绩认定 (一)考生答卷由中注协集中组织评阅。考试成绩经财政部注册 会计师考试委员会认定后发布。 考生可登录中注协网站查询成绩并下 载打印成绩单。 (二)每科考试均实行百分制,60 分为成绩合格分数线。 (三)专业阶段考试的单科考试合格成绩 5 年内有效。对在连续 5 个年度考试中取得专业阶段考试全部科目合格成绩的考生,颁发注 册会计师全国统一考试专业阶段考试合格证。 注册会计师全国统一考试专业阶段考试合格证由考生到专业阶 段最后科目考试报考所在省级注协申领。 (四)对取得综合阶段考试科目合格成绩的考生,颁发注册会计 师全国统一考试全科合格证。 注册会计师全国统一考试全科合格证由考生到综合阶段考试报 考所在省级注协申领。 十、专业阶段考试免试条件 具有会计或者相关专业高级技术职称的人员 (包括学校及科研单 位中具有会计或者相关专业副教授、副研究员以上职称者) ,可以申 请免予专业阶段考试 1 个专长科目的考试。 十一、其他注意事项 (一)报名人员应当认真阅读《注册会计师全国统一考试办法》 、 《注册会计师全国统一考试违规行为处理办法》 等相关文件 (可在中 注协网站查阅) ,报名完成即视为全部认同并承诺遵守上述文件。

(二)报名人员下载打印准考证时,应当认真阅读《注册会计师 全国统一考试应考人员考场守则》 和有关考试信息, 并按要求参加考 试。 (三)中注协已开通注册会计师考试机考练习网站 ( 。报名人员可登录练习,熟悉机考环境 和电子化试题形式。 (四)考生需要对考试成绩复核的,可在成绩发布后第 5 个工作 日起 10 个工作日内,通过网报系统,提出成绩复核申请,中注协根 据《注册会计师全国统一考试成绩复核办法》统一组织成绩复核。 (五)中注协将通过官方网站(发布考 试相关通知,请报名人员随时关注。 (六)如果报名人员咨询与考试政策相关的问题,可将问题发送 至中注协设立的考试专用邮箱 。 如果报名人员咨询与网报系统相关的技术问题, 请拨打中注协电 话 010-88250110(工作日 8:00—17:00)或咨询各省级注协。 各省、自治区、直辖市注册会计师协会根据本简章,制定本地区 的报名简章或相关办法。

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Premium Essay

Feasibility and Efficiency of Public Goods

...producing public goods by tax dollars versus producing them jointly with private funds. Support your argument with specific examples. Public good may not be 100% funded by tax funds but could well be underwritten and funded by private organizations as well. It is not feasible to produce public goods using private funding. The reason for this is that there is no way to prevent free riders. Public goods, or collective consumption goods, exhibit two properties; non-rivalry and non-excludability. Something is non-rivaled if one person's consumption of it does not deprive another person. A firework display is non-rivaled - since one person watching a firework display does not prevent another person from doing so. A public good is non-excludable. Its use cannot be limited to a certain group of people. The private groups may find it non-profitable to manufacture or create public good if they don’t get tax dollars from government in addition to their own private funds as they would want to maximize their profit as much as possible. An example of this would be the train industry. Amtrak is a private group that provides some funds and runs the system while receiving federal tax dollars in order to operate efficiently and at a profit. Without tax funding in addition to revenue generated from the train usage, Amtrak would not be successful and most likely be bankrupt. On the other hand, the disadvantage of producing public goods with 100 percent tax dollars is that the project or good being produced...

Words: 603 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Developing Good Business Sense

...Developing Good Business Sense Developing Good Business Sense The three companies that I chose for this project were Barnes and Noble, the United States Postal Service and Wal-Mart. I observed how the employees of each business do their duties and will discuss the main kinds of OMM costs that companies have and how this affects their operations. Most of the time consumers do not know the process that the products they purchase go through to get to the store or restaurant. They simply walk into an establishment and expect everything to be there waiting for them. Each company uses different operating systems although some companies are similar to other successful businesses. Each business that I observed tries to satisfy the customer with a different service or product. Regardless of how the company is run by the management the mail goal is to satisfy the customer and to make the company profitable. The primary goal of the operations manager of every company is to create happy, loyal customers. By effectively analyzing and managing their business operations they create the products with the features desired by the customers. This can not be done without research. Barnes & Noble is a chain of bookstores that carries thousands of titles. Some old and all the new. It is vital to their business that Barnes & Noble stay up with the current books and stock their shelves accordingly. In order to do this they must have constant research on the latest...

Words: 978 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Characteristics of Services Compared to Goods

...1. Introduction Services’ marketing is a sub field of marketing which covers the marketing of both goods and services. Goods marketing include the marketing of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and durables. Services marketing typically refer to the marketing of both business to consumer and business to business services. Common examples of service marketing are found in telecommunications, air travel, health care, financial services, all types of hospitality services, car rental services, and professional services. Services are economic activities, rather than tangible products, offered by one party to another. Rendering a service to recipients, objects, or other assets depends on a time-sensitive performance to bring about the desired result. In exchange for money, time, and effort, service customers expect value from access to goods, labor, professional skills, facilities, networks, and systems; but they do not normally take ownership of any of the physical elements involved. Services’ marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on selling services. They can be tricky to sell, and the marketing approach for them is much different than the approach for products. Some companies offer both products and services and must use a mixture of styles; for example, a store that sells computers also tends to also help people select computers and provide computer repair. Such a store must market both its products and the supporting services it offers to appeal to customers. 1.1 Origin...

Words: 2432 - Pages: 10

Premium Essay

Developing Good Business Sense

...Developing Good Business Sense XXXXX BUS 210 XXXXX XXXXXXX Developing Good Business Sense For this assignment I chose three different fast food restaurants; The Dog House, Gene and Jude’s Hot Dogs and Wiener’s Circle. All three are fast food restaurants in three different Chicagoland areas. Their main specialty is the Chicago style hot dog. All three serve a great hot dog yet the businesses are very different. 1. The employees do their tasks in a similar way. Each place has an order taker that provides customer service. At the Dog House you are greeted by a very polite cashier, you place your order with her, take your ticket number and wait for your food. The kitchen staff makes your food and then another employee barks out your order number. Self serve on the beverages while you wait for your food. At Gene and Jude’s Hot Dogs you stand in a very long line and are greeted by an employee who you place your order with. Then you move along in what seems like a cafeteria line while they make your food in plain sight. Everyone behind the counter is working quickly to fill the orders made. You feel like cattle just moving along and quickly receive your food with a heart-felt thank you. At Weiner’s Circle there is also a long line and you place your order with the cashier. Here the cashier has a major attitude on purpose. The attitude of the staff is the shtick of the place as well as the food. Kitchen staff, in a kitchen that is visible, prepares...

Words: 896 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Luxury Goods

...School of Management in Paris, and the Vice Chairman of Masisa in Chile. He was a Professor at the Getúlio Vargas Graduate Business School of São Paulo where he pioneered the introduction of teaching entrepreneurship in 1980 and wrote the first textbook in Portuguese on entrepreneurship published in 1989 by McGraw-Hill. He just published a new textbook on entrepreneurship that was published in 2009 by Pearson Education 4 The success of luxury brands in Japan and their uncertain future ABSTRACT The Japanese are the world’s largest individual consumers of luxury brands and form the second largest market for luxury goods after the US. The Japanese were the driving force behind the exponential growth of the European luxury industry and the resulting “democratization of luxury”. This concept of giving everyone access to luxury branded goods is a paradox because it abandons the exclusivity that was the...

Words: 11612 - Pages: 47